Foamipedia Wiki
"Why are all the boobs in this article covered?!"
―An angry Avatar Wikian


Breasts better known as boobs are those big soft round things that are located on the chests of female creatures. Breast tend to attract the attention of males and males get really really happy when a female's boobs are not being covered. Ty Lee is known for having the most famous boobs in the Avatar world. Ever since her debut, she has been giving many Avatar fanboys a funny feeling in their pants.

Foamy Mouth Guy is the sole creator of boobs, and he gave them to mankind in order to show his love for the human race.

It is a commonly held belief that boobs are filled with milk in order to be fed to newborn babies, but this is actually false. Boobs are actually filled with foam, since each pair of boobs actually contains a drop of Foamy Mouth Guy's essence. This foam is then given to newborn babies to turn them into disciples of Foamy Mouth Guy, who will then go onto worship him and fight the non-believers in his name.

Flat chested women are the enemies of Foamy Mouth Guy, since their chests do not carry his sacred foam, and thus this means that they are impure and must be dealt with at all costs, before they try to massacre children of Foamy Mouth Guy like you and me. This is why Toph is one of Foamy Mouth Guy's enemies, for she actively rejects Foamy Mouth Guy's gift.

If you know any flat chested women, then I suggest you stop reading this article and go shank them right away, for it is clear that they stand against Foamy Mouth Guy and must be killed straight at once. This is the way.
